The salt pulse is a phenomenon anticipated in many areas of the Baltic Sea
The water of the Baltic Sea is brackish, being formed from a mixture of salty water from the North Sea and fresh water from the catchment area of the Baltic Sea. However, saltwater can only enter the Baltic Sea via a single route, i.e. through the Danish straits.
Moreover, saltwater does not flow constantly through the straits in large volumes. Indeed, due to both geographical- and weather-related conditions, saltwater enters the Baltic Sea deeps only on rare occasions as a salt pulse. When it does enter, it brings both oxygenated and salty water into the Baltic Sea.
Water mixing is prevented by a halocline
The water in the Baltic Sea is not always equally saline throughout. The saltier the water, the denser and heavier it becomes. This causes saltwater to sink to the bottom, while the less saline and lighter water remains close to the surface. This creates a saltwater transition layer, or halocline, where the salinity varies with depth.
In the Baltic Proper a permanent halocline is in the depth from 40 to 80 metres. The water below the halocline is heavier than above it.
A cubic metre of surface water weighs just under 1,005 kg, whereas a cubic metre of deep water weighs approximately 1,010 kg. Although the difference seems small, it is large in terms of mixing water masses.
Although the cooling of the surface water in autumn increases its density, it is not enough for the halocline to disappear. Even then, the less saline surface water and more saline and heavier deep water cannot mix.
Not even powerful autumn storms are capable of breaking the halocline barrier. For this reason, the water in the Gotland Deep never receives oxygenation from surface water.
The depth profile of the oxygen concentration changes from the Gotland Deep to the Gulf of Finland (left) and from the Gotland Deep to the Bay of Bothnia (right). Oxygen values have been measured in situ in August 2012.
The last of the oxygen on the seabed is consumed by the decomposition of organic matter
The decomposition of dead organisms and other organic matter which sink to the bottom consumes oxygen on the seabed. When the water below the permanent halocline does not receive oxygen from the surface, the oxygen will inevitably run out.
This situation is called the standing water phase or stagnation. When deep-water oxygen has been consumed, the decomposition of organic matter continues without oxygen. This is called anaerobic degradation, during which, toxic hydrogen sulphide is formed on the seabed.
The depletion of oxygen and the formation of hydrogen sulphide destroy all higher organisms on the seabed. At this time, all benthic animals die, and the fish flee.
The depletion of oxygen also accelerates the release of nutrients, especially phosphorus, from the sediments into the water. This phenomenon increases the nutrient content of bottom water. This release of nutrients stored in the substrate over time as a result of internal water processes is called internal loading.
The oxygen content of Finnish sea areas varies regionally
In the Gulf of Bothnia, the oxygen in the water column is consistently at good levels throughout the year. The oxygen level drops only slightly towards the bottom. In the absence of a halocline, the entire mass of water is mixed every year and oxygen is “pumped” from the surface to the bottom.
However, in the Gulf of Finland, oxygen depletion occurs occasionally in the both open sea and in the archipelago. Bacterial decomposition activity consumes all the oxygen from the seabed and new oxygen cannot be mixed from the surface.
In the open sea, a deep halocline prevents water from mixing. Oxygen depletion during summer in the Archipelago Sea is caused by a temperature stratification or thermocline. Unlike a halocline, which may be permanent, the thermocline is temporary. Therefore, this temperature transition layer disappears every autumn as the water cools, mixing the water mass all the way to the bottom, bringing oxygen as it does so.
The salt pulse is only created under favourable conditions
In the long, narrow, and shallow threshold area between the Baltic Sea and the ocean, water flows outwards from the Baltic. Outflowing water mixes with the surface waters of the Skagerrak and the North Sea. Some of this mixed water flows back into the Baltic Sea again.
However, it is difficult for the deep salty water in the North Sea to rise over the sills of the Danish straits and gain access to the Baltic Sea. Only under very favourable weather conditions will a situation occur where a large amount of markedly saltier water can at one time penetrate over the sills and flow into the basins of the southern Baltic Sea.
Such an event is called a salt pulse because of its relatively short duration, i.e. a few weeks. Only a large salt pulse, also called Major Baltic inflow, can break the stagnation phase and replace the deep anoxic standing water with oxygenated saltwater.
The pulse is a very large amount of water, i.e. 200 to 300 cubic kilometres.
Stages of the Baltic Sea saltwater pulse in chronological order: A: Brackish water, which is less saline than North Sea seawater, flows constantly out of the Baltic Sea. At the same time, smaller amounts of saline North Sea water flow into the Baltic Sea to the deeper layers. This weak inflow does not reach into the large depressions and thus does not oxygenate them. B: The North Sea often produces moderately intense saltwater inflows that do not extend to the Bornholm Basin. C: Instead, a strong inflow, i.e. a large saltwater pulse, is able to displace the old nutrient-rich and anoxic water within the Gotland Deep. When displaced by oxygenated and saline water, the deep water is set in motion, eventually reaching the shallow coast where saline and nutrient-rich old water rises to the surface.
The affect is positive for many organisms
When a major Baltic inflow penetrates the Baltic Sea, it raises the salinity of almost the entire area. The distribution of many plant and animal species changes according to their salinity requirements. Many planktonic marine species spread north- and eastwards.
As deeper oxygen conditions improve, benthic organisms may reconquer areas previously dominated by macroscopic fauna. In addition, cod can also spawn further north, even in the Gotland Deep, which is an important spawning ground when oxygen conditions allow.
The influence may be negative for eutrophication
Major Baltic inflow may also have negative effects. Eutrophication intensifies when nutrient-rich deep-water mixes with well-lit surface layers in which primary production occurs.
On being displaced by more saline the deep water which is low in oxygen is pushed onwards and can eventually settle into the basin of the Gulf of Finland, even to its easternmost parts. In such cases, this displaced low-oxygen water strengthens the halocline within the deep basins.
The halocline forms a floor that prevents the wind from mixing oxygenated surface water with bottom water. Thus, a powerful halocline can lead to the deoxygenation and internal loading of the seabed as nutrients are released from the bottom sediment.
There have been only a few major Baltic inflows in the 2000s
Due to the structure of the Baltic Sea basins, the anoxic condition of deep seabeds is a natural phenomenon. The conditions for a major Baltic inflow are most favourable during winter storms. In 1951, a very strong and large salt pulse entered the Baltic Sea. The pulses of 1975, 1976, and 1993 were also large.
Until the 1980s, a few moderate influxes regularly entered the Baltic Sea, followed by a stagnant water phase. This stagnation was broken by the extremely large inflow that entered the Baltic Sea in 1993. The next major Baltic inflow occurred ten years later in 2003.
Since then, stagnation continued and oxygen conditions worsened in the Baltic Proper, as well as in the Gulf of Finland, until the third largest ever inflow occurred in 2014, followed by medium pulses in both 2015 and 2016.
However, by this time, the condition of the deep waters of the Baltic Proper had already become so poor that even this inflow only improved the situation slightly and then only for a short period of time. A large amount of oxygen is needed to neutralise the amount of hydrogen sulphide produced during the current stagnation period, which has been constantly increasing. Only then can the situation improve.